The Record
Animation short film (8’38) 2D animation Direction : Jonathan Laskar Production: Punched paper films / Co-production RTS
Story Lab
Migros Culture Percentage spot Animation short (1’00) mixed techniques Direction : Sophie Laskar-Haller
Darwin's Notebook
Animation short film (9’10) Animated painting Direction : Georges Schwizgebel Music : Judith Gruber-Stitzer Digital compositing : Punched paper Films Production: Studio GDS / Co-production RTS
Newspaper News
Animation short film (5’50) Oil pastels on glass / mixed techniques Direction : Sophie Laskar-Haller Music : Judith Gruber-Stitzer Production: Punched paper films / Co-production RTS
Trailer Fantoche
Oil pastels on glass (0'13) Direction & painting: Sophie Laskar-Haller Sound-design: Christof Brunner
Around the Stairway
Collaborative short film (5’) by: Georges Schwizgebel, Jonathan Laskar, Delia Hess, Camille Müller, Charlotte Waltert, Elena Madrid, Gabriel Möhring, Sophie Laskar-Haller, Anja Sidler, Vlad Lukyantsev Music: Pierre Funck